Equality and Diversity Policy – Learners and Visitors (CAVC Group)


As a provider of education and training, will implement policies and procedures that meet the needs of our communities by promoting inclusion and addressing inequalities.

The Group strives to eliminate discrimination and overcome the disadvantages that exist in society which have resulted in some groups being treated less favourably than others. The Group has a responsibility to provide opportunities to individuals to achieve their potential in a safe and secure environment that is free of discrimination. The Group also has to ensure that it is representative of the community it serves and that it meets the needs of this community.

The Group is committed to promoting equality of opportunity in relation to gender, age, disability, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity and marriage/civil partnership.

All managers, staff, learners, contractors, visitors and others involved or engaged with the Group have the responsibility to behave in a manner that respects and supports the ethos of our inclusive Group and our commitment to fair opportunities for learning and employment. This duty refers to individuals when they are both in and out of our premises and includes use of the internet and electronic communication devices such as email, mobile phones, games consoles, social networking sites etc, regardless of ownership of the communication device.

Scope and Purpose of Policy

The Group willingly accepts its key responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 to:

  • Eliminate discrimination, harassment, discrimination and other unlawful conduct.
  • Advance equality of opportunity by removing or minimising disadvantages, taking steps to meet needs, and encouraging participation in public life where participation is disproportionately low.
  • Foster good relations by tackling prejudice and promoting understanding.

The Equality Act, 2010, recognised that inequality and discrimination still persist and introduced further rights and new obligations for public bodies.

This policy is underpinned by the Group’s vision – Inspirational, Inclusive and Influential and will support our work towards the key drivers of Quality, Efficiency and Growth. The policy will incorporate the following principles:

  • Learners will be supported to enable them to achieve their potential whilst in learning, in an environment which removes or minimises disadvantage, takes steps to meet their needs and which encourages participation.
  • We will support learners to develop the skills they need to progress successfully through their lives.
  • A commitment to the social model of disability where we look at removing the barriers someone could face because of their disability or learning difficulty to promote inclusion.

This policy aims to:

  • Ensure that associated procedures are put in place to ensure that this policy is enacted across the Group. This will include a mechanism to ensure that the principles of this policy are embedded in all Group policies.
  • Identify responsible staff – this will include the identification of a senior manager with strategic responsibility and individuals with operational responsibility for equality and diversity matters. Equality and Diversity matters will be reported to the Governors via the Quality Standards Board. There will also be an appropriate committee structure to ensure the effective involvement of key stakeholders.
  • Publish a Strategic Equality Plan as a means of improving the experience of staff and learners and taking our Public Sector Equality Duty forward by achieving any goals or targets. Progress against this plan will be updated yearly.
  • Engage with stakeholders who are representative of all of the protected characteristics when setting and reviewing our equality objectives.
  • Allocate appropriate resources to support the implementation of this Strategic Equality Plan.
  • Monitor and publish relevant data relating to equality issues within the Group as part of our Public Sector Duty on a yearly basis. This data will be analysed fully and action plans developed to overcome any patterns of under-representation, under-performance or dis-satisfaction.
  • Consider positive action measures allowed by law to rectify disadvantages in employment or
    education provision revealed by monitoring.
  • Carry out impact assessments to examine policies, procedures and practices to ensure equality is embedded within these policies and that there is no negative impact against the protected characteristics. Targets set during EIA meetings will be used to reduce differential impact or
    share positive impact.
  • Ensure that a programme is implemented to promote diversity and foster good relations across the Group.
  • Develop appropriate materials to raise awareness of equal opportunities and inclusivity across the Group to ensure that all staff, students, visitors and stakeholders are aware of the issues involved and their responsibilities.
  • Take steps to ensure that procedures are in place so that allegations of discrimination and bullying and harassment are dealt with quickly, investigated fully and in a timely manner, and
    that individuals are supported through the process.

In addition as a provider of education and training the Group will make every effort to:

  • Produce materials that are accessible, inclusive and understandable.
  • Operate an admissions procedure that will advise and guide prospective students, considering reasonable adjustments, whatever their needs, promoting inclusivity and improving links with all
    establishments from which students might progress to us.
  • Develop materials and opportunities to ensure that our learners are aware of their responsibilities under equality legislation and develop behaviour in line with the principles of inclusivity. This will raise awareness of people’s differences and actively break down any barriers that come from a lack of understanding of these differences.
  • Ensure that all students are given the support they require to progress.
  • Develop inclusive teaching and learning practices for all learners.
  • Ensure that facilities are accessible.
  • Produce materials that are accessible, inclusive and understandable.
  • Have a procedure for dealing with formal complaints related to equal opportunities.

We will ensure that learners on all levels and types of provision are clearly signposted to any external organisation or body which overseas provision, standards, expectations or redress such as an awarding body, the QAA or the Office for Independent Adjudicators for HE (this list is not exhaustive).

The Governing Body will be responsible for ensuring that:

  • The Policy is reviewed on a regular basis (as per the policy terms of review) and appropriate advice
    is given on content. The Main Board approves the policy.

Senior Management are responsible for:

  • Reviewing this Policy and the attached procedures, including the Strategic Equality Plan.
  • Monitoring and responding to quality and performance data linked to equality and diversity. Using this analysis of data to inform future planning to improve the representation, participation and success of underrepresented and underachieving groups and challenge stereotyping.
  • Ensuring sufficient budget is provided for professional development activities.
  • Ensuring sufficient budget is provided for resources that support this policy.
  • Treating any form of discrimination, harassment, victimisation, radicalisation carried out by an individual as a matter for possible disciplinary action.

Senior Quality staff are responsible for:

  • Maintaining the currency of this policy and associated procedures.
  • Providing appropriate training and development and support for staff to ensure they can follow the policy.
  • Ensuring appropriate steps are taken to monitor data linked to this policy and that this data is used to inform and improve practice.

All Staff are responsible for:

  • Acting in line with this Policy and associated procedures.
  • Dealing with all allegations of discrimination, harassment and victimisation sensitively and investigate fairly and thoroughly.
  • Ensuring that equality and diversity is built into all aspects of our programmes.
  • Ensuring that learning takes place in a supportive environment free from discrimination or harassment promoting British Values
  • Leading by example.
  • Helping learners to improve their equality and diversity practices.
  • Attending relevant professional development events and taking advantage of the opportunities open to them for developing their understanding of equality, diversity and inclusivity.

All learners are responsible for:

  • Treating other learners, staff and stakeholders with dignity and respect
  • Not doing anything that would discriminate or harass others because of their race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion, personal background or circumstance.
  • Reporting any bullying or harassment
  • Attending information events during induction to ensure they are aware of this policy and its implications for them.
  • Acting in line with this policy and any associated procedures.

Equality Act 2010
Public Sector Equality Duty

In accordance with Group procedures, this Policy was written with consideration of the impact of individuals as per the Equality Act.

This policy provides opportunities for persons to use either the Welsh or English language. The duties which come from the Standards mean that organisations should not treat the Welsh language less favourably than the English language, together with promoting and facilitating the use of the Welsh language i.e. making it easier for people to use in their day-to-day life.

A Welsh version of this document is available.

This policy is published on the company website.
This policy is stored on the company intranet.
This policy is shared with learners.

This policy is reviewed every 2 years.

Responsible Manager: Dean of Quality
Executive Lead: Deputy Principal
Accessible to Students: Yes

Date approved: 7 July 2020
Approved by: Main Board
Next Review date: July 2022

Revision No: 1
Revision Date: July 2020
Next Review Date: July 2022

  • This policy applies to all learners on all learning programmes regardless of mode or location of study.
  • This policy applies to all partners, stakeholders and franchise organisations.
  • This policy applies to visitors to the Group.